Respect the environment

Prodef’s CSR approach: respecting the natural and human environment:
The group is committed to a comprehensive CSR approach that combines tradition and modernity.

We do our best to make and market products for each development project that are in line with this ideal and framework, both for businesses and the general public. Guillaume Fiévet – Prodef CEO

Compagnie du Midi — the SME + label

Compagnie du Midi has been SME + certified by ECOCERT Environnement since 2015.

SMEs that are partners of large retailers are allowed to affix this benchmark to their products so that consumers can make informed choices. It is based on strict specifications and subject to certification by the independent firm ECOCERT Environnement. The SME + label rewards responsible business owners on a daily basis, owners who follow an eco-citizen approach, helping to create regional jobs and forming part of a virtuous circle of continuous improvement. Source FEEF

Savonnerie du Midi: winner of the ESSEC 2017 Prize for Responsible Consumption Industries in the sustainable consumption methods category

The Midi soap factory winner of the ESSEC Grand Prix 2017 Savonnerie du Midi, part of Compagnie du Midi, champions Marseille soap, a traditional, eco-friendly product.

This award will act as a strong signal and encouragement for Savonnerie du Midi stakeholders, customers and employees first and foremost! Backed by 123 years of history, Savonnerie du Midi is proud to champion and develop the Marseille-based expertise of Marseille soap both in France and abroad. We’re also proud of our commitment to a comprehensive CSR approach that combines tradition and modernity. Guillaume Fiévet – Prodef CEO

Partnership with Don en Nature

Compagnie du Midi signed a partnership agreement with Don en Nature in 2017, thereby strengthening its position as part of a CSR approach.

Every year Compagnie du Midi undertakes to donate part of its turnover to Don en Nature in the form of traditional Marseille soap, which is then distributed across France to people living in poverty.

Hygiène & Nature: member of the UN Global Compact

Hygiène & Nature has been working since its inception on environmental and human protection through a corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy.

Hygiène et Nature has signed up to the UN Global Compact to ensure that this process is sustainable and to disseminate it.

In common with the Nobel Peace Prize winner Desmond Tutu, we believe that those “little bits of good put together… transform the world.

This voluntary initiative is part of our CSR approach. It commits Hygiène et Nature as a company and employer, together with its employees, to join the UN Global Compact. It incorporates the pact’s ten principles into our strategy, culture and daily activities.

The ten universally-recognised core principles of the Global Compact address four areas that meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Human Rights

  • Support and respect the protection of international human rights law.
  • Take care not to be complicit in human rights abuses.

International Labour Standards

  • Uphold freedom of association and recognise the right to collective bargaining.
  • Help eliminate all forms of forced and compulsory labour.
  • Contribute to abolition of child labour.
  • Contribute to the elimination of all discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.


  • Implement the precautionary approach to environmental challenges.
  • Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.
  • Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.


  • Work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.